A decade at Hazelton Mountford
A career in insurance can be a very rewarding experience at Hazelton Mountford and four members of the team celebrate a decade with the local Independent Chartered Insurance Broker.
CAPTION: L-R Andrew Gormley, Ellie Jones, Dan Tustin and Nigel Webb all celebrate a decade with the local Independent Chartered Insurance Broker Hazelton Mountford.
At only 27 years of age, Ellie has already forged a career in insurance by joining Hazelton Mountford as an apprentice, working hard to gain her Diploma in Insurance and achieve her subsequent Senior Account Handler status.
On joining Hazelton Mountford in 2013, Ellie, who had no background and knowledge of insurance, was able to learn and grow significantly throughout the apprenticeship scheme. Ellie learnt, for example, the fundamentals of the law and principles behind it, how insurance worked and soon passed the IF1 exam on the road to completing the Cert CII.
Throughout her time at Hazelton Mountford, there have been opportunities to progress and grow within the company.
Ellie says: “I’ve been able to gain valuable experience with all different types of insurance policies and understand how they work when a claim does indeed arise.”
Dan Tustin, Senior Account Handler and Operations Controller, agrees:
“Wow 10 years at Hazelton Mountford or to put it into perspective, a quarter of my life, and more than half of my entire career…”
Dan continues: “It seems like a lifetime ago, but somehow it has passed so quickly. It’s been quite a journey and as expected, it’s had its ups and downs but hitting the big 1-0 with Hazelton Mountford has made me look back and ponder.
I’ve been in insurance now for almost 20 years. I’ve placed thousands of people on cover and dealt with a huge variety of insurance products. I’m confident enough to say I know what I’m doing.
I’m still learning despite being in the industry for so long, but certainly the last 5 years with Hazelton Mountford has really been the making of me. Bring on the next 10 years!”
Andy Gormley celebrated 10 years with Hazelton Mountford in 2021 and was presented with a special plaque, a Red Letter Day gift and a team lunch at Centenary Lounge.
Nigel Webb believes that the key to the business’ success is the Directors’ vision of growing the business and retention of staff.
Simeon Chapman, Director, says: “It’s wonderful to see our team grow and flourish within our company and we strive to make a career at Hazelton Mountford a rewarding experience for all.”
For more about careers at Hazelton Mountford please click here.
As seen online at the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce.
As seen in print in Business Direction Magazine – page 43.