Local Support
With a wave of businesses offering support to Worcestershire locals, it’s definitely a time to step up. We’ve offered our help to support the community with their insurance concerns at this trying time, please call: 01905 611951 if you’d like some advice – you don’t need to be a current client for us to help you.
Since the outbreak began, we’ve tried hard to keep ‘business as usual’ whilst working from home and managing the increase in concerned clients’ calls and the uptake from local people and businesses. We’ve taken many more calls than usual and also received some much appreciated feedback from Redditch-based client vietec. Company Director, Phil Drew said:
Thanks to Hazelton Mountford for the support they have given to #vietec in this challenging time.
If you need support with advice about insurance, please do call the Hazelton Mountford team on 01905 6111951 and we will help you.