
Let us help you find the right insurance.

As Chartered Brokers we have the knowledge to advise you and your business on the which insurances will be relevant or offer the best protection. Some of the insurances we arrange are shown here but please don’t hesitate to contact our team for expert advice.

Who are you?

What type of business?


Complaints Handling

Complaints Data

Hazelton Mountford is required by the financial conduct authority; to have in place and operate appropriate and effective complaints handling procedures for handling any expression of dissatisfaction from its clients, whether oral or written and whether justified or not, about its general insurance related activities.

We have formal procedures in place to ensure that complaints are handled fairly, consistently and promptly, and resolved at the earliest possible opportunity. Our objective is to resolve complaints internally, whenever possible, in order to minimise the number of cases where our clients need to refer the issue to a higher dispute resolution authority.

If you still feel that we have not been able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, after this process you may have the right to refer your complaint to the financial ombudsman service; the address is:

The financial ombudsman service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR

tel: 0300 123 9123

email: [email protected]

website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk