
Let us help you find the right insurance.

As Chartered Brokers we have the knowledge to advise you and your business on the which insurances will be relevant or offer the best protection. Some of the insurances we arrange are shown here but please don’t hesitate to contact our team for expert advice.

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Rent Guarantee

However hard we try to vet our tenants or longstanding the tenant, their circumstances can change.

Tenants can lose their jobs and relationships can break down. This can unfortunately result in them defaulting on their rent. It used to be fairly easy to evict a tenant in 2 – 3 months. Now it is a minimum of 6 months with a big delay on court cases. There is little or no state assistance for the landlord. This is where Rent Guarantee & Legal Expenses Insurance can assist.

This covers you for:

  • Rent payments in the event of a tenant default up to 12 months or vacant possession, whichever is the sooner
  • A mediation service to attempt to resolve the issue with the tenant
  • The legal costs of eviction, including court costs and issuing notices
  • Legal costs to cover other disputes with tenants
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