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As Chartered Brokers we have the knowledge to advise you and your business on the which insurances will be relevant or offer the best protection. Some of the insurances we arrange are shown here but please don’t hesitate to contact our team for expert advice.

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Hazelton Mountford Apprentices Achieve Excellence

2 April 2024

Harry Atkinson and Amaash Lone began their career in insurance with the team three months ago. Harry started as a Trainee Account Handler Apprentice and Amaash joined as a Claims Handling Apprentice. Both have now secured permanent roles after an excellent start. Find out more about how they began, go to our previous news article.

Lydia Taylor, Senior Account Handler, congratulates Harry to his new Account Handler role. She confirms: “Harry has been a great help to the team since he joined. He is always happy to help provide support where needed and has proven himself to be a great asset! He has recently been asked to support Charles on the Small Business Account, which has been a great opportunity for his development.He’s always game for a laugh and is a positive influence on the team.”

Amaash’s line manager, Helen Ruddle (Claims Manager) says: “Amaash is a valued member of the team and is working towards his CERT CII  at the moment within his apprenticeship , he is always willing to assist other members of the team, always meets challenges head on, he also has a great sense of humour and is well thought of throughout the company.”

For more about careers in insurance at Hazelton Mountford, please click here.