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Steps for Organisations to Create Safer Drivers

January 8th

Company drivers are exposed to several risks, including difficult driving conditions and driver fatigue. In 2023, more than 75,000 motorists driving for work purposes were involved in a collision, according to Department for Transport statistics. Moreover, the European Commission reported that work-related crashes cost Britain £2.7 billion annually. Such accidents can threaten the safety of company drivers and create significant liabilities for an organisation.

With these risks in mind, organisations must take steps to ensure their employees operate as safely as possible while driving. Doing so can not only help prevent injuries and property damage but also help organisations reduce the risk of facing liability claims. Furthermore, demonstrating a commitment to road safety may improve the company’s public image.

This article explores measures organisations can take to improve safe driving behaviours among employees.

Tips for Creating Safer Drivers

There are several actions organisations can take to create safer drivers, including:

  • Assess risks. Each company has unique risks depending on its size, location and industry, and regular risk assessments can help organisations identify their exposures related to motor vehicles.
  • Understand who is a company driver. Individuals who are considered company drivers for business purposes include those hired with the primary purpose of driving and who operate a vehicle, including rental and

personal vehicles, on behalf of the organisation.

  • Maintain written policies. Understandable and enforceable motor vehicle safety policies that are regularly communicated can help convey an organisation’s expectations and standards. Topics to consider covering include driver eligibility requirements, safety expectations, disciplinary procedures and prohibitions on activities that cause distracted driving (eg mobile phone use).
  • Vet drivers. Organisations should conduct background checks and evaluate motor vehicle records before hiring drivers. They should also verify work histories and certifications and ensure the prospective drivers pass written and road tests before driving for the company.
  • Train drivers. Organisations should provide in-depth training to their drivers regarding the safe operation of motor vehicles. Topics may include defensive driving, proper use of safety features, weather monitoring, trip planning and accident response. This should occur upon hire and regularly throughout the drivers’ careers.
  • Promote healthy, restful lifestyles. Good health is an essential component of safe driving. Organisations should educate drivers on how physical and mental health conditions may affect their driving performance. They should also provide resources to address

These issues and encourage drivers to eat healthily, To manage fatigue, organisations may establish scheduling, driving hours and rest policies. Businesses should also encourage drivers to visit a doctor if they’re experiencing fatigue or a sleep disorder.

  • Monitor drivers. It is crucial to have systems in place to review company driver performance. Organisations should review all accidents, incidents and roadside inspection reports, and they should periodically ride along with drivers to assess their habits. Technology, such as telematics and dashcams, can also monitor performance. If unsafe drivers are identified, organisations should have procedures in place to remove them from the road.
  • Maintain vehicles. Organisations should ensure their vehicles are properly maintained. Regular inspections by certified mechanics are necessary, and procedures to immediately address safety issues are paramount to reducing risks.
  • Provide incentives. Organisations should provide safe driving incentives to individuals who adhere to the company’s safe driving guidelines. Bonuses, additional paid time off and public recognition can provide positive reinforcement and encourage exemplary conduct.
  • Ensure companywide buy-in. Involvement from all levels of an organisation is necessary to help ensure a programme’s success. Senior managers can demonstrate their commitment to safe driving by ensuring adequate resources are available, setting a good example when driving themselves and regularly communicating safety expectations.


Employers have a duty to maintain safe working conditions for their employees; ensuring steps are in place to foster safe driving is essential to achieving this objective. Implementing measures to create a culture of safe driving can not only help prevent injuries and fatalities to those on the road, but it can also mitigate liabilities an organisation may face.

For additional risk management resources, contact us today.