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Stand out tenant referencing

HM Referencing offer a first-class tenant referencing service – so thorough that the team have been praised by the Police for their work.

Hertfordshire Police recently contacted the Hazelton Mountford team whilst investigating a large scale tenancy fraud. We had already declined the reference and PC Webb said that Hazelton Mountford were the exception.

The Police Constable was pleasantly surprised, as most reference providers had accepted the reference in question.

Gordon Hazelton, Group Managing Director, says: “I’m not surprised that we declined this reference as we’re good at what we do. That said, it’s fantastic that the team has been recognised as stand out amongst their competitors. It’s especially gratifying to be noted by the Police and to know we’ve been able to support them in this instance. Well done team.”

For stand out tenant referencing, please contact the HM Referencing team directly.