A ten year celebration for Hazelton Mountford team members
Trinny Gold and Andy Gormley celebrated 10 years with Hazelton Mountford by being presented with a special plaque, a Red Letter Day gift and a team lunch at Centenary Lounge.
Directors Gordon Hazelton, Jake Mountford and Simeon Chapman wanted to show their appreciation for Trinny’s and Andy’s dedication to the company and share their successes with the rest of the team.
Gordon says: “Too often we celebrate people leaving the business, to go embark on new ventures, and one of our company values is to celebrate people who stay with us in the longer term. Together we decided to honour and reward the people who’ve been with us for ten years in a memorable way.”
The team were surprised with the presentations and subsequent meal out.
Trinny agrees: “It was a wonderful surprise and a good lift for the entire team after such a tough couple of years, to see that our Directors acknowledge us for our length of service. And we look forward to the next team member racking up their decade with Hazelton Mountford!”
As seen online at the Evesham Observer, Worcester Observer and in print and in digital form at the Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce.